The best kind of Sunday

As I mentioned.  a new Sunday tradition and an always goofy kid

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nap time for all

The only time they got along today

sure.  he still has ya fooled.

at the end of the day... even his animals needed that bath

My favorite kind of Sunday!

Until next time...

Frightful Night!!! Well, Not Really...

So I had a dream last night that I am dying to tell you about. Let me see, how does this go.

I was visited by an alien, he was here to kidnap me.  Quite a cutie huh!?...

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But he meant business...

I knew I was in trouble when Death showed up, I just knew this wasn't going to be my night

Oddly enough this Mr. Death was nice

Just as the two were trying to get me, the law showed up, Say hello to Mr. Woodie

Thank goodness for the Sheriff, he took care of those thugs.  Scared'em so bad, they fled without their mask

Now every night I fall asleep with my own little patrolman watching over my house

And patrolling the streets of my mind, ensuring those bad guys never return

Home sweet Home

The next stop on our journey was HOME!  There is nothing like being home, its where the heart always is.  Since we've been a way siblings graduated, got married,  had babies, grew up, got lives... I mean, didn't they know they were supposed to wait till we got back?  dang it.

I was sad to leave, as I am every time, but this time was easier because we are no longer on the other side of the Globe... AND we'll be back for Christmas, a BIG family Christmas.  && I am positive we'll have visitors for Mardi Gras ;D

Here is a brief intro to some of my great family ((... before my camera had to be sent in for service))

a sister. a best friend.  a beauty.  I love you!

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a sister. who I miss. who I love. who drives me absolutely mad.  who thinks we have nothing in common-- but have more than she knows. who I LOVE!
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My two beautiful sisters.  I love you with all of my heart

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a one of the kind G-Pa. I can't wait to go home so he can feed me :)

a beautiful niece.

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a sweet nephew. no, really (lol)

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a crazy family. you are truly missed and can't wait to see you again.
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((Tom&Mary, Cindi&Jim, Me&Dan(my goofy husband) = a mom&her boys together again))
*photo taken by my daughter (M&M), which is the cause of my camera needing to be repaired....

We had a great time being home.  I can't wait to spend more time, take more pictures.

I love and miss you all.

Until next time!

Fun in the Hawaiian Sun - a speedy quick review

Our move from Okinawa Japan to Barksdale AFB, in good 'ol Louisiana (might as well be called Texans), came quick fast and in a hurry.  We had TWO weeks to clear our house and hit the road.  With that said, there was lots of emotion, anxiety & STRESS.
We're a Military family and should be used to this kind of stuff...  right?

Our journey back to US soil was... just that, a journey.  First of all we have this beautiful 80lb Dalmatian who has been a part of this family for 3 years, we couldn't leave her behind.  And because we left in such a hurry we weren't able to get her on a military flight out.  So. now.  I'll save you all the yucky, painful details of this move and share the good stuff.

Hawaii: (the vacation before the "vacation")

where the beaches aren't much different from Oki

& the water is just as beautiful!  The rest of the Island, well, that's another story for another day...

Pearl Harbor, however, was amazing.  A great history lesson for my children and a somber experience for us grown-ups.

Can you feel the Patriotism?
I sure did!
It brought tears to my eyes for those we lost that day and sadness to my heart for their families.

On the ferry ride across Pearl Harbor, we saw the greatest site.

Now, take a look at this rainbow and the blue sky.  I don't think I'll ever see another one like it.

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Hawaii was an experience!  And if we ever choose to visit again, I hope it will be more on our terms.  :)

Until next time,

New friends. New school. New life. LA gives us a warm welcome

A move means a lot of NEW.  My kids have been in Japan for 7 years, eating Japanese food, following Japanese faux fashion, in a school system with kids in the same situation. I have to say that my kids have done so well. Even adjusting to a life in uniforms.  They look sharp!  My ten year old has already been bit by the Louisiana twang.  I make him repeat some of his words just to hear it. It's hilarious.

enjoying an afternoon on the front porch.  I think it was in the upper 70's!
I thought we escaped the hot, humid weather... not so much.  upper 70's is a good day!

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always a character

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always a munster

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it may look sweet....

lock down, please. NOW

he's never seen an ice cream truck, and I'm talking old school ice cream truck-- with the screwballs and everything.  This was a great moment.  I loved it! We make sure we save all our change for our new Sunday tradition.

it was the perfect day for paper airplanes

A couple days in the life of Us.

Until next time...